Friday, August 31, 2012

So I've been busy....

I really did intend to post (at least) weekly because I know I will love to look back on this but seriously....I have a (almost) one year old ....who loves to climb on everything. I can't turn my back for a minute. I do have free time when he's napping but usually blogging isnt at the top of my list. Anyways I'm going to try again :)  Our life is changing and getting more exciting all the July we found out we are expecting baby #2 :) We are beyond excited about our growing family.. At our 10 week sonogram last month we found out some news that we weren't expecting to find out....our Dr. said she is pretty sure this baby is a boy (a few more weeks and we will find out for sure but it was pretty exciting to already kind of know) ;)

We've also made a pretty big decision (still a little while away) but decision has been made and we are making plans to leave Texas. Travis and I have been in this area pretty much our whole lives but when we became parents we both decided that this was not the place we want to raise our kids for many reasons. We announced the news to our families recently which was hard but they (for the most part) understood. We are excited and nervous about this huge change but we feel confidant this is the right thing for our family.
Other big news....this little monster will be ONE in a couple weeks!! Seriously I don't know how it has already been a year.
I've been working on his zoo themed birthday party and I've also made one of the upstairs bedrooms into a playroom to handle all the toys he's about to have.  His birthday is on a Sunday so we are going to have his party on Saturday and Travis and I are going to take him to the zoo for the first time on his birthday. So...lots of birthday pictures coming soon :)