Thursday, January 17, 2013

Facebook.....or Texas??

I don't usually post about stuff like this on here but this does have to do with why we are leaving so I guess it ties into our life a bit.   Lately I have been so frustrated by Facebook and all the drama that comes with it.   Facebook used to be a way for me to just relax and get away for a little bit, a nice way to keep up with people I don't see often..just a bit of mindless entertainment.  Then a few topics constantly started consuming my newsfeed.  I don't have a problem with people having different views than I do but I was overwhelmed by the amount of people that were flat out mean regarding their beliefs against what happened to be mine.  I simply did not want to know this side of the people that I used to have high opinions of....and that is Facebook.  However, I have also realized that I am in a state where I am surrounded by people that disagree with me and what I believe (on many different topics), I feel like I am constantly biting my tongue while the people around me are spewing hateful comments and disrespect to others on things that they may or may not know anything about. We have lost what we thought were friends this year and even had issues with family members just because our opinions are different than theirs and that was not something they were willing to accept.  I simply don't feel like we fit in here.  This is certainly not the only reason we are moving but I have to say we are both anxious to meet new people and be in a place where the views are not so heavily one-sided.  
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bedrest Round Two

So, last week I had been feeling what felt a lot like contractions but even though I had just been pregnant with Brody not long ago I wasn't 100% convinced that they were true contractions so I hadn't called the Dr.  I have also been going to see my Dr every two weeks to check for pre-term labor since I had Brody early so I wasn't super worried about going to get checked.  They started getting stronger and more frequent so Travis talked me into calling and making sure everything was okay.  After explaining to my Dr's assistant what was going on she told me she had faxed my papers over to the hospital and that I needed to go over to L&D right away.  Travis stayed home with Brody and I drove up to the hospital. I got all checked in and hooked up to the monitors and turns out I was having pretty strong contractions about 10 min apart.  SO,  at 31 weeks for both pregnancies I started pre-term labor.  At least this time it wasn't in the middle of the night at an emergency room that doesn't even have OB's on staff! 

I was there for a few hours, they gave me two shots of something that made my heart feel like it was going to jump out of my chest (didnt slow down the contractions at all).  They called my Dr and she said that since the contractions weren't really causing labor she was okay with them letting me go home.  She put me on bedrest again and prescribed me the same pills I took when I was pregnant with Brody.  She said that the weekly progesterone shots I've been doing with this pregnancy were probably what was keeping labor from starting. (good to hear I haven't been getting a shot in the butt for the past 14 weeks for nothing!) :)  

So now I'm down to weekly Dr appt's and will be off the shots and pills at 36 weeks, just like with Brody....and as soon as I stopped the pills with him my water broke so we are anticipating the same scenario this time around. :) Travis has been awesome with making sure everything gets done around the house on top of working full-time and playing with Brody. I'm lucky to have such a great hubby and our kids could not have a better daddy :)

Our baby shower is the first weekend of Feb (hopefully I'll still be pregnant!).  I've been nesting like crazy and can't wait to finish getting everything set up for her....this has been such a fast pregnancy but this time around I'm a little more ready to get my body back.  I'm SO ready to fit into my clothes again and Brody is running out of room to sit on my lap :)

Also, thought I would share this with any mommies that are reading this. I stumbled onto it on Pinterest tonight and it had me cracking up....especially the very first part about the pregnancy test.  Travis is still upset with me for doing that without him, and I did that with both pregnancies :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Back to life (and blogging)

So, not surprisingly December was absolutely crazy and I did not fit blogging into that month at all.  Every weekend of December we had (at least) one Christmas celebration with family or friends...throw in shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking and a one year old.... I barely had time to sit down. Once I have more time   I will post more about our Christmas and some pictures.
This Christmas was a great one with my family and I am so thankful for that.  A few weeks ago my heart broke along with the rest of the people in this country over the shooting in CT.  I still can't believe that something that horrible happened and it terrifies me as a parent that my babies share a world with people that our capable of something like that.  I already have a million things I worry about since I became a mommy and I never imagined that sending my kids to elementary school would be one of them.  I'm devastated for the families that lost their babies and I couldn't help but think of them on Christmas morning, as I was enjoying the day with Brody I knew that  those families were not as lucky. I will never take a single day forgranted. 
Today Travis and I celebrated our "dating anniversary", we have been together for five wonderful years :)  I am 30 weeks pregnant today and I happened to have a sonogram and Dr appt scheduled for this morning so we asked my dad and sister to come watch Brody so Travis could come with me to the appt (he usually has to stay at home because it's to hard for us to bring Brody). We got to see Skylar and hear that she is growing well and healthy. The Dr also scheduled my C-section for March 8th!  After our Dr Appt we got to enjoy a lunch date (we don't get to go on many dates these days) :)  January 4th was also the day Travis proposed to me three years ago.  It's hard for me to believe how much we have done and how much our lives have changed since that day! It just keeps getting better and better :)